


Thank you for visiting AnarchyEmpire.com this is a word of mouth website that goes against the grain. We are not about profits or taxes, we stand against government and big corporations who over charge their customers, underpay their employees, while they give their executives ridiculous bonuses. While their employees struggle to stay afloat. The federal government has set the hourly rate that a employer must pay his employees at a shameful $7.25 per hour. That number has not changed in 10 years. The cost of living has increased 30% when you add inflation it comes out to a staggering 44%!  Locking people into poverty for life directly affecting the next generation and the generation after that. It's no secret that low income families get less education,  live in high risk areas and more likely to get involved in illegal activities, get addicted to drugs, join gangs, and are a 1000% more likely to get in trouble with the law. The poor don't have the money for bail. Or private attorneys and end up getting 3 times the jail time then someone of wealth. It's happening every day in this country. It's a system set up by the government for you to fail. And keep the lower class oppressed. Historically the poor have paid more taxes than those of wealth or privilege. As of today a illegal alien who was never paid a penny of taxes Receives more help from the government than if offers to its own citizens. A portion of our profits are also donated to raise awareness. And get the Federal minimum wage to at least at match the the cost of living. If your  tired of being discriminated against? I think we all my are. Please Join Anarchy Empire and support our cause to get our voice heard and lay the ground work to give hope and support to our future generations. Our prices are fair and our profit margins are the lowest in the country. So please Save $$ and support a cause worth supporting. 



Sceamin like a deranged demon. Ready to fight for what i believe in. anti government till i stop breathing. can you see it? freedom isnt free. until you see politicians hang in the trees. and our anarchy flag proudly wavin in the breeze.